GSH Section 3 - Registration

GSH Section 3 - Registration

Student Status - 3.0

Student status is determined by the number of credit hours attempted each autumn or spring semester or each summer term. Full-time status is determined according to a student’s academic status in the program, type of appointment, fees, financial aid eligibility, and visa requirements. Half-time status is defined as half the number of credit hours required for full-time status. Audited credit hours do not count for financial aid, full-time status, or minimum visa requirements.

Course Load - 3.1

Masters or Predoctoral Candidates. For full-time status, a student must register for the minimum number of regular credit hours as specified for the categories below. Audited credit hours do not count towards the minimum credit hours required for full-time status. However, audited credit hours can be included within the maximum number of credit hours allowed per autumn or spring semester or summer term.

Full-time status for all graduate students who are not yet doctoral candidates (pre-candidacy) is typically eight to 18 credit hours per autumn or spring semester and eight to 15 credit hours per summer term. This credit-hour requirement is applicable for their visa and/or financial aid eligibility.

Pre-Candidacy Academic Leave. Pre-candidacy students who want to withdraw from their doctoral program or who plan to take a leave of absence from enrollment for one semester or more (up to one year) are required to complete a Withdrawal from Program or Pre-Candidacy Leave of Absence form to declare withdrawal or leave of absence, respectively. These forms, which may be completed and submitted in GRADFORMS, require advisor and program approval. Additionally, the Pre-Candidacy Leave of Absence form must specify inclusive dates of leave. Students who do not complete the Withdrawal from Program or Pre-Candidacy Leave of Absence form, or do not enroll after the inclusive dates of leave, will require program and advisor approval to be reinstated in their program. In certain cases, the program may require the student to submit additional documentation for evaluation. Programs should not use a denial of reinstatement as a proxy for dismissing a student from the program due to a lack of reasonable progress, as outlined in Section 5.4 of this document.

Doctoral Candidates. Full-time status for all doctoral candidates (i.e., students who have achieved doctoral candidacy status) (Section 7) is three credit hours per autumn, spring semester or summer term.

Continuous EnrollmentAll students who successfully complete the doctoral candidacy examination are required to be enrolled in every autumn and spring semester (summer term is excluded) until graduation. These students must be enrolled for at least three credits per autumn and spring semester. These registration requirements can include research hours. This policy is effective for all students. Post-candidacy doctoral students are not eligible for academic leaves. They may apply for a leave of absence due to medical or military reasons, or during periods in which the University has declared a University State of Emergency Section 7.7.

International StudentsInternational students are required to register for a minimum of eight credit hours in autumn and spring semesters. Enrollment in the summer term is optional unless the international student is in the first or last term in their program, is participating in a Curricular Practical Training, or is on an appointment as a graduate associate.

Graduate Associates. All graduate associates (Section 9), regardless of funding, holding 50 percent or greater appointments must register for at least eight credit hours per autumn or spring semester, and at least four credit hours in summer term. This includes GRAs who receive a Matching Tuition and Fees Award. GAs holding a 25 percent appointment must register for at least four credit hours per autumn or spring semester and two credit hours in summer term. Doctoral candidates must register for at least three credit hours each autumn or spring semester or summer term an appointment is held. These registration requirements can include research hours.

Fellows and Trainees. Students holding the titles Graduate Fellow or Graduate Trainee (Section 10), regardless of the source of the funds, must register for a minimum of 12 credit hours each autumn or spring semester the appointment is held and at least six credit hours in summer term. This includes Fellows and Trainees who receive a Matching Tuition and Fees Award. Graduate Fellows and Graduate Trainees who are doctoral candidates must register for at least three credit hours per autumn or spring semester or summer term an appointment is held. These registration requirements can include research hours.

Exceptions Regarding Course Loads

Non-Graduate CreditsUnder certain circumstances non-graduate credit course work may count toward the minimum requirements for GA and fellowship eligibility. Monitoring of the appropriateness of non-graduate credit course work will be the responsibility of the Graduate Studies Committee of the Graduate Program.

Course Load Inconsistent with Full-time Status: In certain situations, graduate students may desire to enroll in more than the number of credit hours required for their full-time status, based on their status in the program (e.g., for pursuing a minor, interdisciplinary specialization, certificate or dual degree). Such students should seek prior approval from their advisor and Graduate Studies Committee and discuss how enrolling for excess credit hours may affect their progress, program of study and any financial implications. This can be especially relevant for Graduate Trainees, Graduate Fellows, or GRAs with a Matching Tuition and Fees Award who receive the graduate fee authorization (GFA) benefit (Section 11.1). The GFA benefit is typically limited to credit hours defined in full-time status.

OtherInformation on course loads for students receiving other loans or work-study support is available from the university’s Office of Student Financial Aid

Procedures - 3.2

Registration Process. Once registration information is received, students consult their advisor or, if an advisor has not been assigned, their Graduate Studies Committee Chair, about course selection. Students may use their Ohio State e-mail account information during the appointed window of time to use the online registration system and to view their approved schedule and Statement of Account on their Student Center (via Buckeye Link). Students may access online registration to drop courses through the fourth Friday of the semester.

New Students. Registration information is available from the Office of the University Registrar. Students admitted immediately before the autumn or spring semester or summer term begins can obtain registration information at the Graduate School.

International Students. New international students initiate registration by reporting to the Office of International Affairs before visiting the Graduate School.

Distance Learning Students. Students enrolled in online programs (i.e. those programs that are 100% distance with no scheduled in-classroom or on-site activities) should register per the guidelines specified by their program. Students enrolled in online programs should also contact their program and the Office of Distance Education and eLeaning to confirm the university resources available to them. 

Continuing Students. Continuing students will be e-mailed notification of their registration prior to the intended autumn or spring semester or summer term of enrollment. Students may view the Schedule of Classes online. All continuing students must access online registration.

Former Students. Former students returning after an absence of one or more semesters can obtain registration information from the Graduate School. Students wishing to reactivate their enrollment status should discuss reactivation with their specific graduate program. Those who have been absent from their graduate program without an approved leave of absence may require Graduate Studies Committee (and other program permission, if applicable) approval. Students who have been absent for two years or more require Graduate Studies Committee (and other program permission, if applicable) approval before reactivation. Visit Section 7.7 for more information.

Early Autumn Registration. Students may participate in Early Autumn Semester Registration. Registration information for those registered in spring semester will be e-mailed to students. Those not registered in spring semester may request registration information from the Graduate School.

Course Enrollment Permission. Certain courses and certain enrollment designations (e.g., Audit and Undergraduate option) require submission of a completed Course Enrollment Permission to the Graduate School by the second Friday of the semester of registration to add a course, and by the fourth Friday of the semester of registration to elect an audit option for a course in which the student is currently enrolled. Forms are available on the Office of the University Registrar’s website.

Late Registration Penalty. Students registering after published autumn or spring semester or summer term registration deadlines will incur substantial late registration penalties with the Office of the Registrar. Deadlines are published online on the Office of the University Registrar’s website.

Fee Payment. Fees are assessed based on the number of credit hours and the types of courses in which a student enrolls. The Registrar’s website houses an updated fee table. Students may pay fees online, by mail, or in person at the Office of the University Bursar. Students with a fee authorization will receive credit for their fees on their Statement of Account. Students who do not intend to enroll may contact the Graduate School.

Late Fee Payment PenaltyStudents paying fees after the fee payment deadline are assessed a late fee payment penalty by the Office of the Bursar. The university reserves the right to refuse or cancel registration if fees are not paid by the second Friday of the autumn or spring semester or summer term. The Office of the University Registrar’s website contains information on deadlines, penalty fee rates, and refund schedules.

Health Insurance - 3.3

Students who are enrolled at the level of at least half-time status in an in person program are required to carry health insurance as a condition of enrollment. All such students who take any classroom instruction in person, including regional campus students, are automatically enrolled in Student Health Insurance (SHI) upon registration, unless the student obtains an exemption. Late changes to a student’s course enrollment may result in an unintentional disenrollment in the Student Health Insurance Plan, especially if the changes result in a student dropping below the half-time threshold or changing to an all-distance learning mode of instruction. Please contact SHI for more information.

Dependents and Domestic Partners. Students may enroll dependent children and domestic partners into the student health insurance plans. Further information about sponsored dependent benefits is available on the Office of Human Resources website.

Mental Health and Counseling Services. The Counseling and Consultation Services (CCS) at the Office of Student Life provides individual and group mental health services, psychoeducational prevention and outreach programming to currently enrolled graduate and professional students. CCS also works with spouses/partners of students who are covered by Comprehensive Student Health Insurance.

Exemptions from SHI

Distance Students. Students enrolled in distance learning programs and/or distance learning (online) courses exclusively are automatically excluded from SHI. Distance-learning students may petition for enrollment in SHI.

Less Than Half-Time Status. Students who enroll for less than half-time status in either classroom or distance-learning courses or a combination of both are automatically excluded from SHI. Students with less than half-time status may petition for enrollment in SHI.

Other Health Insurance Plans. All domestic students who have coverage through a non-university health insurance plan and who want to waive SHI must either list the alternative policy information at the time of registration for courses, or complete the petition to waive at the SHI website. (See Section 11 for information about health benefits for students with fellowships).

International students who are fully financially sponsored by a government sponsor, or students who are covered as a U.S.-based employee under U.S.-based insurance, or as a dependent of a U.S.-based employee must complete an International Student Health Insurance Waiver form by the published deadline. The waiver form and more information about exceptions for international students can be found on the Student Health Insurance website.

Exchange Students. Ohio State graduate students may participate in a student exchange program with an institution in another country. These programs are typically at least a semester long and involve registration for course work as well as extended stay at the host institution. The graduate tuition and fees and stipend levels for these exchange students will need to be in accordance with the guidelines of the individual exchange programs. Ohio State exchange students who are not concurrently enrolled at Ohio State (while at the host institution), need to only purchase the comprehensive supplemental medical and security insurance policy. Ohio State exchange students who enroll at Ohio State during the exchange program are required to purchase the SHI. Exchange students from another institution who enroll at Ohio State during the Exchange program are required to purchase SHI unless they are covered by government sponsorship, or by a US-based company with US-based insurance.

Changes in Schedule - 3.4

With advisor approval, students may make schedule changes. Academic programs may also make schedule changes on the student’s behalf if the course in question is housed within that program. However, if the change involves a course outside of the home program or cannot otherwise be processed by program staff, the change must be made at the Graduate School. For all academic deadlines, refer to Appendix A.

Course Addition. Students may add courses to their schedules online through the first Friday of the semester. After the first Friday of the autumn or spring semester or summer term, additions to approved schedules require the permission of the instructor and approval of the student’s advisor and may be submitted on the Course Enrollment Permission form. After the second Friday of the autumn or spring semester or summer term, any addition to approved schedules is by petition to the Graduate School via the Late Course Petition form via GRADFORMS. Petitions must be approved by the instructor, advisor, and department chair. Petitions are reviewed in the Graduate School and are not always approved. Both the Permission and the Petition forms are available online on the Graduate School website.

Due to the various enrollment options of the summer term calendar, students are advised to refer to the Office of the University Registrar’s website for official deadlines for adding courses.

Course Withdrawal. Until closing on the fourth Friday of an autumn or spring semester or summer term, a student may withdraw from any or all courses that began in the same semester with no mark entered on the official permanent record.

Withdrawal from any or all courses after closing on the fourth Friday of an autumn or spring semester or summer term requires the approval of the student’s advisor and such requests must be submitted to the Graduate School. After closing on the fourth Friday of a semester and until closing on the tenth Friday of a semester, if a student withdraws from any or all courses that began in the same semester, the Office of the University Registrar enters the mark “W” on the official permanent record for those courses. A dated notation “withdrew” is entered on the official permanent record when the student withdraws from the university.

After closing on the tenth Friday of the semester, students who, because of circumstances beyond their control, find it necessary to withdraw from any or all courses, must file a petition with the Graduate School. Reasons not acceptable for withdrawal include, but are not limited to, the student’s performance in the course(s), lack of preparation for the course(s), or dissatisfaction with the subject matter offered in the course(s).

The petition form is available via GRADFORMS. Petitions must be approved by the instructor and the advisor. Petitions are reviewed in the Graduate School. If the Graduate School approves the petition, a copy is filed with the Registrar, who is then authorized to enter the mark “W” on the student’s official permanent record, and the instructor(s) of the course(s) is/are so notified. If the petition is denied by the Graduate School, the student continues to be enrolled in the course(s), and a final grade(s) must be reported by the instructor(s).

A student who stops attending a course and does not officially withdraw from it has the final grade of “EN” as reported by the instructor entered on the official permanent record. Such a grade is based on the Rules of the University Faculty.

Academic Leave or Dismissal from the university during an autumn or spring semester entails withdrawal from all courses in which a student is enrolled during that semester. A graduate student who is involuntarily called to active-duty military service should contact the Graduate School for assistance with Military Leave course withdrawal.

Please refer to the Office of the University Registrar’s website for session information as session deadlines may vary.

Official Permanent Record - 3.5

The student’s official permanent record contains a list of all courses taken, grades earned, degrees earned, and dates of graduation while enrolled at this university. This record is located in the Office of the University Registrar. Unofficial records for all graduate students are maintained in the Graduate School. Students may examine their unofficial record by accessing their Advising Report in Buckeye Link.


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