We Appreciate You!

The Graduate School thanks all graduate and professional students for their dedication, hard work, global impact and numerous contributions, large and small, to make The Ohio State University greater. Here at the Graduate School, we understand and appreciate the commitment each of you has made to complete a graduate degree. During the week of April 1-5, we celebrate the many contributions you make in research, teaching and service to our campus, central Ohio community and the world.
In addition, we invite you to come to the Graduate School, on the second floor of University Hall, on April 1 from 9-11 a.m. to participate in Donuts with the Deans. This event is taking place in partnership with the Council of Graduate Students to show our appreciation for all graduate and professional students. I will be there, together with other associate and assistant graduate studies deans, to celebrate graduate and professional students.
We have arranged a series of four professional portrait sessions, and the Council of Graduate Students will be on hand with giveaways the entire week.
I hope that you all have a great appreciation week and I look forward to seeing you at the Donuts with the Deans event.
Mary Stromberger, PhD
Dean of the Graduate School

Highlights and Photos Kick Off Events
The Graduate School and the Council of Graduate Students kicked off the 2024 National Graduate and Professional Appreciation Week April 1 to 5 with a series of events in University Hall. Read more about the Donuts with the Deans, Council of Graduate Student Giveaways and the Professional Portrait Sessions as part of an Ohio State News story below. Also, enjoy a photo collection highlighting the events that kicked off the event on April 1.

Events offer networking opportunities for graduate, professional students
The Ohio State University’s Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week kicked off April 1 with the annual “Donuts with Deans” reception at University Hall on the Columbus campus. The informal event brought together students and deans of various colleges, providing an opportunity to network in a no-pressure environment. Graduate School administrators work with the Council of Graduate Students to plan the week of activities.