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University Hall

The Graduate School

Come visit us in University Hall or reach out by phone or email to one of our graduate services teams. 

Graduate School

Mary Stromberger, PhD

Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Education

About the Dean

Phone: 614-292-6031

250 University Hall
230 N. Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210

University Hall Information

Connect With Us

The Graduate School offers an array of services to students, faculty, and staff in-person on the second floor of University Hall from 9AM - 4:30PM, Monday through Friday.

To guarantee efficient responses to requests, please do not send messages directly to specific staff members, unless there is an urgent issue that cannot be delayed and may only be answered by that person. We ask that you please remember that our Registration Services team and Graduation Services teams will be unable to provide services in a timely manner without using all our available staff and specifically designated channels of communication.

If you have questions or you need to schedule an appointment with a specific person within the Graduate School, please contact us through one of the following methods:

General Phone Inquiries

(614) 292-6031

Registration Services

General inquiries, GA appointments, etc.

Graduation Services

Examinations, format reviews, graduation process, etc.

Petitions and Transfers

Late Add/Drop, course petitions, conditional and Graduate Bridge Program admissions, progress letter requests

Transfer of Credit, Transfer of Program, Dual Degree

Curriculum Services

Proposing New Programs and Assessment

Fellowship Services

General questions concerning Graduate School Fellowships

Postdoctoral Affairs

Postdoc Opportunities and Resources


Graduate School Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs (IGPS)

Interdisciplinary programs under the Graduate School

Graduate School IGPs

Applying to Graduate School at The Ohio State University

If you are interested in applying to graduate school at Ohio State, you have come to the right place to begin your journey. On this website, you will find a great deal of information about the experience of being a graduate student, programs we offer in career building and development, fellowships, our handbook and degree completion. To apply for a graduate program at Ohio State, we encourage you to visit two other university websites that you will need information from to successfully make your decision and complete your application.

Graduate and Professional Admissions

Graduate and Professional Admissions is the university office responsible for supporting graduate student applications for admissions. On their website, you will find deadlines and application requirements for the over 200 graduate programs at Ohio State.

Graduate and Professional Admissions