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Graduate School Curricular Guidelines CG

Summary of Graduate School Curricular Guidelines

It is the Graduate School’s goal to help programs prepare curricular proposals for successful review by all university and statewide stakeholders involved in curriculum approval. The guidelines below account for the requirements and compliance needs of the Graduate School, the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA), the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE), and the Higher Learning Commission (HLC—Ohio State’s accreditation agency). We strongly recommend using these guidelines when developing proposals for new or revised Graduate Programs, or to discontinue programs.  Doing so will promote an efficient review and implementation process. Please note that this is a living document as guidelines are subject to change as state or university policies are revised.

Faculty and staff who are involved in developing or revising graduate programs are encouraged to reach out to the Graduate School in collaboration with the College’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or other appropriate representative as early as possible to schedule a consultation to address questions about the proposal approval process and by emailing Graduate School Curriculum Services at

Email Graduate School Curriculum Services

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