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Data and Assessment

Utilizing data and creating areas for assessment based on that data are important parts of successful graduate program coordination and success.

Here at the Graduate School we are here to support programs in their data collection and assessment initiatives. For information on specific data availability through the Graduate School, see the outcomes dashboards below or reach out to the us so we can see if there is support we can provide. For more information on program assessment visit the below area on program assessment to find more information to support your program.

Graduate Assessment

Graduate programs throughout The Ohio State University are engaged in collecting and analyzing graduate program assessment data to support the highest-quality programs for our students. Not only is this work important to OSU’s accreditation process with the Higher Learning Commission, understanding how and how well our graduate program faculty and staff engage with assessment data is a first step in helping our programs achieve academic and scholarly excellence. This work also aims to improve the way that our graduate programs operate overall.

gradSERU Graduate Student Experience Survey

2025 gradSERU graphic with doctoral student in gown at Ohio State Commencement


In spring 2023, the Graduate School launched the Graduate Student Experience Survey, the first comprehensive survey of its kind in over five years. Visit the link below to find the video of the high-level overview presentation delivered by the Dean of the Graduate School, Mary Stromberger in November 2023, its accompanying PowerPoint and access to the survey results. The Graduate School is excited to partner with colleges on initiatives to reinforce and improve graduate student experiences where needed. We believe these insights will be a powerful tool to support your graduate students now and into the future. 

On March 17, 2025,  the Graduate School will be engaging graduate students for a second time to gain even more knowledge of about the graduate student experience. 

Learn more about the Graduate Student Experience Survey

Coalition for Next Generation Life Science

The Ohio State University is committed to providing comprehensive and transparent information on graduate and post-doctoral study to help students, faculty, staff, and external audiences understand the performance of each program within the university.

The goal of providing this performance information is to help graduate students and post-doctoral trainees understand current metrics on what various degrees can do to improve their career growth but also provide additional information on alternative career paths outside of academia.

In order to help provide this information in a clear and attainable manner, Ohio State has joined the Coalition for Next Generation Life Science which is a central host of data from various schools around the United States. 

Graduate School Student and Program Data Visualizations Dashboards

The Ohio State University Graduate School, through collaborations with many partners, has brought together a set of data visualization dashboards that provide insight into current trends of graduates students pursuing degrees at The Ohio State University and outcome trends for PhD and Master's Alumni as well as Post Doctoral Students.

Academic Analytics screenshot showing pie charts and graphs

Student and Program Reports

The Student and Program Reports contain information on admissions, enrollments, retention, and graduation for Ohio State graduate students, with data going back to 2009. The data can be filtered by year and program within each tab.

Academic Analytics screenshot showing PHD outcomes charts

PhD and Master's Alumni Outcomes Reports

The PHD and Master's Alumni Outcomes Reports contain information on Alumni from Ohio State PhD and Master's programs. PhD data is available from 2005 and Master's data is available from 2017 forward. The data detail employment outcomes, listing industry, salary estimates, and location, both national and international. The data can be filtered by year and program within each tab. This data was collected and produced by Academic Analytics.

Academic Analytics screenshot showing Postdoc outcomes charts

Post-Doc Alumni Outcomes Reports

The Post-Doc Alumni Outcomes Reports contain information on Alumni from Ohio State Post-Docs programs and administrative departments (I.e., Office of Academic Affairs), with data going back to 2004. The data detail employment outcomes, listing industry, salary estimates, and location, both national and international. The data can be filtered by year and program within each tab. This data was collected and produced by Academic Analytics.

Dashboard Highlights and User Instructions

This user guide is intended for researchers of all levels who wish to explore the Student and Program Reports dashboards made available through The Ohio State University Graduate School. 

Student Program Reports Dashboard User Guide

Academic Analytics Insight Overview