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Faculty and Staff

Faculty teaching in front of class

Best practices, policy and procedures, and governance information. Learn when graduate faculty, graduate programs, the Graduate School, and State of Ohio processes are involved.

Gradute School Handbook

The Graduate School Handbook is the master policy and guideline reference for all graduate programs.

Visit the handbook

Fellowship Program

Find more about the fellowship program and various awards offered through the Graduate School.

Learn about fellowships


GradAwards is the online Graduate School fellowships and awards system.

Visit GradAwards

Curriculum Guide

The Graduate School has create a set of guidelines to help programs prepare curricular proposals for successful review by all university and statewide stakeholders involved in curriculum approval. 

Visit the curriculum guidelines


GRADFORMS is the Graduate School’s web based portal for the submission of graduate level forms associated with student, faculty, and staff processes at OSU. Students can find electronic forms to apply for graduation, submit a candidacy exam application and apply for final examination. Faculty and staff working with graduate students can also access GRADFROMS to approve and update forms and manage faculty/advisors listings.

GRADFORMS Web Portal  GRADFORMS Helpful Links

Fellowships and Awards

Learn more about the various fellowships and awards to support graduate education from the Presidential Fellowship to the Graduate Associate Teaching Award.


Recruiting the best and brightest students is key to a robust graduate program. Recruit more effectively with these best practices and other insights.

Matching Tuition

Outside funding sometimes calls for internal tuition and fee support. Programs work with the Graduate School to secure matching support.

Graduate Council

The Graduate Council is the principal advisory body of the Graduate School and participates in the development of rules, policies, and standards pertaining to graduate programs, graduate associates, and graduate fellowships.

Graduate Program Data

There are many ways that programs can benefit from the use of various types of data. The Graduate School is here to help facilitate programmatic data needs by offering access to student and alumni outcome data and answering other questions that may help with assessment strategies.