Student Service Center on BuckeyeLink
Go to the Student Service Center in BuckeyeLink. In the top section on the left side of the screen is the title “Academics.” Directly below the ‘Academics’ heading is a list of possible actions:
- My Class Schedule
- Add a Class
- Drop a Class Grades
- Generate Advising Report
- My Academics
Click on “My Academics.”

My Academics Screen
On the “My Academics” screen you should see three boxes stacked one on top of another:
- Advisors Transfer
- Credit
- Graduation
In the “Graduation” box click on “View my graduation status.”

Graduation Status
On the “Graduation Status” page you should see two boxes, one on top of the other: Program and Student Information.
The Program box contains the Degree applied for, Major, Status for graduation, and Expected Graduation Term.
The Student Information box contains the name that will be on the diploma (Diploma Name) and Perrmanent Address.
If the Diploma Name displayed is incorrect, take legal proof of your name to the Registrar’s Office and complete a name change form. Legal proof includes but is not limited to: Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate/License, Valid Passport, Divorce Decree, Court Entry, or Order of Legal Name Change.
Alternatively, you can reach out to:
The Ohio State University Graduate School
250 University Hall, 230 N Oval Mall, Columbus OH 43210
Phone: 614-292-6031 | Fax: 614-292-3656
Graduation Services Email:
Registration Services Email: