GRADFORMS is the Graduate School online system for submission, approval and storage of forms pertaining to the graduate education process at Ohio State. Faculty and Programs can use GRADFORMS for approve applications and submit forms and reports to support a student's progress towards degree completion.
Applications should be acted on as soon as possible after receiving notice that the form is available.
If you know a student is submitting an application but you have not received an e-‐ mail, log into the GRADFORMS site and check your task list. The notification e-‐mail may have gone to your junk box or been caught by filters in your e-‐mail system.
Application to Graduate
Must be received in the Graduate School, having been approved by advisor and program, by the posted deadline.
Visit the How to Apply for Graduation for more information on applying for graduation and selecting regular graduation versus End-of-Summer Graduation in GRADFORMS.
- End-‐of-‐Semester (EOS) If you select the end-‐of-‐semester option you will not graduate in the current semester. Selecting this option gives you additional time to complete requirements but you will graduate the following semester. Consult the Graduation Deadline schedule. Find out more about EOS in the Graduate Handbook section 7.12.
- Applications are only good for one semester.
Application for Candidacy Exam
Must be to the Graduate School, having been approved by advisor and program, at least two weeks prior to the oral exam date (PhD/DMA only).
Application for Professional Exam
This is the candidacy equivalent for the professional doctorate students. (Professional Doctorate Only)
Application for Final Exam
Must be to the Graduate School, having been approved by the advisor, program, and all committee members, at least two weeks prior to the exam date (PhD/DMA only).
Report On
Should be acted on only after the appropriate exam has been completed
- Report on Candidacy Exam - this reports the results of the exam, both written and oral; the form becomes available at the time of the exam
- Report on Final Exam - this reports the results of the final examination; the form becomes available once the appropriate application is approved by the Graduate School (Application to Graduate [Master’s] or Application for Final Exam [Doctoral])
- Report on Final Document - by signing this form you are indicating that the document is in its final form and complete; the form becomes available once the appropriate application is approved by the Graduate School (Application to Graduate [Master’s] or Application for Final Exam [Doctoral])
the form is waiting for someone at the program level to take action; this may be the Graduate Studies Chair/Program coordinator, advisor, or committee member
the form has been received by the Graduate School and, depending on the form, is waiting final processing or pending resolution of a problem, a look at the comments on the form will clarify the reason.
Alternatively, you can reach out to:
The Ohio State University Graduate School
250 University Hall, 230 N Oval Mall, Columbus OH 43210
Phone: 614-292-6031 | Fax: 614-292-3656
Graduation Services Email:
Registration Services Email: