Welcome to Ohio State!

Whether you are just starting your graduate degree program or have been here for a few semesters, you will find that there is always something new at Ohio State for you to discover. At every step of the way, the Graduate School is here to help. This guide points you to Graduate School resources available to you as a graduate student and provides information about the administrative details of your graduate experience, including registration, funded appointments, and degree milestones. It takes a lot of focus and support to carry out the study and research involved in pursuing a graduate certificate, master’s degree, or doctoral degree. You will not be alone in this pursuit, and we at the Graduate School will support you and your wellbeing so that you can learn, train, and pursue your scholarship to your highest potential. Contact us with your questions, and we will provide you with the information and resources you need to help you succeed.
- Mary Stromberger, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate School
New Student Checklist
As a new student at Ohio State it is important to start of with completing some basic steps from obtaining your student ID to registering for classes. Visit the new student checklist to help you get started today.
Course Registration
Timely and accurate registration is vital. These instructions, calendars, and tips will help keep you on track.
Student Funding
Learn more about Fellowships, Graduate Associateships, Grants, Tuition and Fees, and Financial Education
Guidelines for Academic Success
Tips and tools for academic success from preparing for your courses to taking time out for yourself.
Student Research Resources
Ohio State is a top ranked research institution with an array of resources available for exploring research and creative scholarship. Visit our research resources to find out how to start or support your graduate research goals.
Final Semester
During your final semester as a graduate student there are many activities that lead up to commencement and receiving your degree. Complete the final semester checklist and learn more about commencement activities.
Social, Wellness, and Student Life
Part of graduate education at Ohio State is exploring the wealth of resources, networking opportunities and avenues for developing oneself as a professional in a given field of study. Learn more about how to take advantage of social activities, wellness practices and being a part of student life at Ohio State.
Dimensions of Wellness
There is more to Graduate School than the pursuit of an advanced degree. Network and socialize, engage in a pursuit that you find challenging or gives back to the community, and take care of yourself physically and emotionally.
Safety and Security
First and foremost, we want you to be safe. The safety of the university community is of utmost importance. If you need immediate assistance, dial 9-1-1. For all non-emergency issues related to safety, including non-emergency police calls, contact the Department of Public Safety.
- Lyft Ride Smart at Ohio State - 614-292-7433
- Virtual Guardian - 614-292-3322
- Buckeye Alerts - 614-292-3322
- Bug Your Bike - 614-292-3322
- Student Legal Services - 614-247-5853
Contact the Graduate School

- Location: 250 University Hall 2nd Floor, 230 N Oval Mall Columbus, OH 43210
- General Inquires: 614-292-6031
- Service Areas Graduation Services: 614-292-6031 | grad-schoolgraduationservices@osu.edu
- Registration Services: 614-292-6031 | grad-schoolregistrationservices@osu.edu
- Fellowship Services: 614-247-7293 | grad-schoolfellowships@osu.edu
- Diversity Initiatives: 614-247-6377 | gradrecruit@osu.edu
Other Ways to Find Us
The graduate student edition of onCampus Weekly delivered via email on Sundays includes a weekly column by the Dean of the Graduate School and other useful information for the graduate community.
About the Graduate School
You’ll spend most of your time with your graduate program colleagues, but we want you to know that the Graduate School supports you and your faculty every step of the way.
Who We Are
We’re the face of graduate education at Ohio State. We’re here to help develop graduate students who will be successful, sought-after leaders in knowledge creation, innovation, and creativity, who will embody an awareness and engagement of individual and societal inclusion, and who will influence the world.
What We Do—For You
We are led by Mary Stromberger Ph.D., Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate School. We exist to provide a central resource to prepare and sustain graduate programs for excellence, ensure the integrity and quality of graduate programs, and to share knowledge and best practices to support the advancement of graduate students and programs. We are here so that you have a great experience at Ohio State, and we support you before, during, and after each milestone of your graduate degree. Ohio State is big. If you need something, we can help you find it. We don’t expect you to know where everything is. You are here to get your degree, and we’re here to help you find the resources you need to get the job done.