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Graduate Faculty Mentor Award Series - Mentorship as a Legacy: Communal Rites of Passage of Graduate Studies

November 2, 2023 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm

The Graduate School is hosting its 1st Annual Ohio State Graduate Faculty Mentor Award (GFMA) Speaker Series. We will have our 2022/2023 GFMA winners presenting their mentor philosophy.

Come and join us if you are a graduate or professional student, a postdoc, a graduate faculty member, a coordinator, a Chair, or an A Dean. Learn from the experts! 

Presentation Title and Description

Mentorship as a Legacy: Communal Rites of Passage of Graduate Studies

In this lecture, Prof. Barra Costa will reflect on her trajectory from advisee to advisor. Her presentation pays homage to her mentor, Kamau Brathwaite (1930-2020), celebrates her mentees, and reflects on the impact of relationships developed within and beyond the constraints of the university environment.

About the Presenter

portrait of Iris Barra Costa in a black white shirt

Isis Barra Costa is an Assistant Professor of Brazilian Literary and Cultural Studies at Ohio State University. She is a transdisciplinary scholar who has co-authored anthologies in Argentina (comparative studies of Brazilian and Argentinean cultures), in Portugal (on media ecology, image studies, and digital knowledge-making), and in the U.S. (on the African Brazilian diaspora). Her upcoming book — Imagining the Past Remembering the Future: Philosophies, Cosmologies, and Religious Traditions of the Afro-Brazilian Diaspora — is under contract with Columbia University Press.

Registration Information

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