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Graduate Leadership, Faculty and Staff Webinar on Graduate Student Survey

November 15, 2023 | 9:00 - 10:00 am
Virtual on Zoom

On Nov, all graduate leadership, faculty and staff are to a virtual webinar where Dean Mary Mary Stromberger will be presenting preliminary highlights from the 2023 gradSERU Graduate Education at Research University survey results. During the webinar, she will discuss some of the higher-level findings and answer questions you may have about the survey results. The findings of this survey can be impactful in helping you make decisions for the upcoming admissions cycle as well as make plans for the coming years. Please follow the link below to register for the webinar. I look forward to showing you the findings of this university-wide survey.

Graduate Student Experience in the Research University

Graduate School Results Webinar


November 15, 2023 |9:00 - 10:00 am


Virtual on Zoom


Please register by November 13th.

Register for this webinar in Qualtrics

Once you register you will receive the zoom event link and a calendar reminder you can add to outlook.