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Faculty and Program Resources

Best practices, policy and procedures, and governance information. Learn when graduate faculty, graduate programs, the Graduate School, and State of Ohio processes are involved.

Graduate Associate and Fellow Appointments

Find information on appointment dates, enrollment requirements, appointment documents, stipend minimums, and other important appointment policy as it is pertains to graduate associates and fellows.

Proposing New Programs or Degrees

This is a brief overview of the basic processes for review and approval of new program and specialization proposals or significant revisions of an existing program.

Learning Goals Assessment

Assessment at the graduate level is an important aspect of Ohio State's accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission. By defining learning goals and gathering data about their accomplishment, informed decisions can be made about how to improve graduate student learning.

Graduate Faculty

The Graduate Faculty are members of the general faculty approved to conduct graduate education at Ohio State. Appointment to the general faculty must precede appointment to the Graduate Faculty and is a condition of it.

Graduate Faculty Representative

Category P graduate faculty at Ohio State serve as graduate faculty representatives on final oral examinations and for doctoral students taking a second candidacy examination.

Graduate Studies Committee

The Graduate Studies Committee oversees and administers its graduate degree program. It is the liaison between the Graduate School and the Graduate Faculty members in the graduate program.

Graduate Council

The Graduate Council is the principal advisory body of the Graduate School and participates in the development of rules, policies, and standards pertaining to graduate programs, graduate associates, and fellowships.