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Graduate School Fellowship Stipends FG Appendix C

Below is the stipend table for the current and most recent fellowship competition. Previous stipends tables from 2014-present are available to all Ohio State graduate programs by request. These summaries can be obtained by sending your request to Fellowship Services at

Fellowship NameAnnual

Monthly Stipend Amounts


Monthly Stipend Amounts

Dissertation Year**

Distinguished University$31,944$2,662$3,150
Dean's Distinguished University$37,800$3,150$3,150
Graduate Access$31,944$2,662--
Distinguished Graduate Access$31,944$2,662$3,150
Dean's Distinguished Graduate Access$37,800$3,150$3,150
Patrick S. Osmer Fellowship$31,944$2,662$3,150
J. Parker and Kathryn Webb Dinius***$31,944$2,662--
Early Offer Eminent Scholar $37,800$3,150$3,150
ENGIE-Axium Fellowship$31,944$2,662--


Fellowship NameAnnual

Monthly Stipend Amounts


Monthly Stipend Amounts

Dissertation Year**

Distinguished University****$30,420$2,535$3,000
Dean's Distinguished University****$36,000$3,000$3,000
Graduate Enrichment$30,420$2,535--
Dean's Graduate Enrichment$30,420$2,535$3,000
Dean's Distinguished Graduate Enrichment$36,000$3,000$3,000
Patrick S. Osmer Fellowship$30,420$2,535$3,000
J. Parker and Kathryn Webb Dinius$30,420$2,535--
Early Offer Eminent Scholar Pilot$36,000$3,000$3,000


*2025-2026 stipend rates will be effective starting in Autumn 2025. 

** Monthly stipend amounts indicated do not include deductions for other student fees (Student Activity, Recreational, Student Union Facility, COTA Bus Service, remaining health insurance, and Student Legal Services, and Program Fees). For detailed information about fees, see the Specific Program Tuition and Fee Locator on the Registrar's website.

***The Dinius Fellowship is paused and not accepting nominations for the 2024-2025 fellowship cycle, due to the availability of funds.  Updates for future competitions will be provided in the 2025-2026 academic year. 

****For the 2024-2025 cycle, Graduate Access Fellowship award stipends will be aligned to University Fellowship stipend rates.  The Distinguished Graduate Access Fellowship stipend will be aligned to the Distinguished University Fellowship stipend and the Dean's Distinguished Graduate Access Fellowship stipend will be equivalent to the Dean's Distinguished University Fellowship stipend. 


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