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2023 Graduate School Awards Ceremony Highlights

Nearly 200 faculty, staff and students celebrated multiple areas of excellence and achievement at The Ohio State University’s annual Graduate School Awards Ceremony, held on April 26, 2023, at the Ohio Union Performance Hall. The ceremony, an annual culmination of all Graduate School awards and recognitions received during the past academic year, celebrates outstanding achievements within Ohio State’s graduate community.

2023 Award Ceremony attendies watchign a the presentation in the Ohio Union Performance Hall

Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School, Mary Stromberger, who is completing her inaugural year as dean, welcomed and congratulated awardees and attendees, who also enjoyed light refreshments and the opportunity to meet and socialize with colleagues from across the Graduate School and university.

Dean Stromberger addressing the crowd from behind a podium

Images: View of the Award Ceremony attendees and Dean of the Graduate School, Mary Stromberger.

Recipients of the following fellowships and awards were recognized: Graduate Faculty Mentors of the Year, Faculty Outstanding Post-Doctoral Service Award, President’s Post-Doctoral Scholar Program Review Committee, Outstanding Graduate School Staff Member of the Year, Alumni Grants for Graduate Research and Scholarship, Graduate Associate Teaching Award, Graduate Associate Leadership Award, Presidential Fellowship, President’s Post-Doctoral Scholars Program, Post-Doctoral Mentor of the Year Award, Post-Doctoral Scholar Mentors of the Year, Three Minute Thesis, and Fellowship and Graduate School Awards Review Committee.

New this year, the Graduate Faculty Mentorship Award recognized the exceptional guidance provided by graduate faculty as mentors of graduate master’s, doctoral and professional students. Three faculty members were recognized through a university-wide nomination process.


2023 Graduate Faculty Mentorship Awardees

Marc Guerrero, associate chair of Department of Educational Studies, associate professor, College of Education and Human Ecology

Marc Guerrero receiving the Graduate Faculty mentorship award certificate from Dean Stromberger

James Cray Jr., associate professor, Biomedical Education and Anatomy, Division of Anatomy, College of Medicine

James Cray Jr. receiving the Graduate Faculty mentorship award certificate from Dean Stromberger

Isis Barra Costa, assistant professor, Contemporary Brazilian Cultural and Literary Studies, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, College of Arts and Sciences

Isis Barra Costa receiving the Graduate Faculty mentorship award certificate from Dean Stromberger

Recognizing support

Another addition to this year’s ceremony was the recognition of those who support the broader graduate community. From the President’s Post-Doctoral Scholar Program Review Committee to the plethora of participants in the Fellowship and Graduate School Awards Review Committees, Dean Stromberger recognized the many faculty and staff members working behind the scenes to ensure excellence within the Graduate School.

Samuel Jordan, Director of Registration Services, receives Outstanding Staff Award

With more than 15 years of service to the university, Director of Registration Services, Samuel Jordan was honored with the Outstanding Staff Award. Widely known for his extensive knowledge of university resources and processes, Jordan’s talents are leveraged daily by both Graduate School and colleagues across the university. 

Graduate student standing to be recognized at the award ceremony
Graduate student standing to be recognized at the award ceremony
Graduate student standing to be recognized at the award ceremony

Images: Three graduate students standing and receiving recognition for their awards.

We invite you to join us in congratulating this year’s outstanding honorees. To see more pictures of the event and the event program, follow the link below.

2023 Graduate School Award Ceremony Photos and Program

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