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Seeking Graduate Student Nominations for this Year’s Graduate Faculty Mentor Award (GFMA)

Did you know that January is National Mentor Month? How appropriate to invite all graduate students and alumni to recognize your mentor(s) while you are/were a student at The Ohio State University. Nominate your graduate faculty mentor for the Graduate Faculty Mentor Award (GFMA).

Nominate a Mentor Online

Simply write a nomination letter sharing impactful mentoring stories, describe how your mentor helped you feel a sense of belonging, or was the person that empowered you to increase your future resiliency, or served as the person to help you to network for future growth and employment opportunities.

Nominations are open from Jan. 15 to Feb. 20, 2025.

Each year we select three GFMA winners. 

To learn more about this award and how to make a nomination, go to the Graduate School website at Graduate Faculty Mentorship Award 

We are looking forward to receiving your nomination(s) for the 2025 GFMA.