The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs administers implements and advises postdocs on relevant Ohio State policies, provides professional development programs, and supports the mentoring relationship between faculty mentors and their postdocs.
Our goal is to support the Ohio State faculty who mentor postdocs to develop highly productive and collaborative relationships with postdoc mentees. Please click on the links below for more information on the topics.
Resource for Hiring Postdocs
What is a Postdoc at Ohio State?
The Ohio State University defines a postdoctoral scholar “postdoc” as an individual who meets the following criteria:
- the appointee was recently awarded a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate or terminal degree (e.g., DrPH, EdD, MD, MFA) in an appropriate field from an accredited domestic or foreign institution.
- The individual is hired using Job Code 8806 (Post Doctoral Scholar) or Job Code 8818 (Post Doctoral Scholar-NRSA for those appointed to training grants and fellowships).
- the appointment is typically five years or less.
- the appointment involves substantially full-time research or scholarship.
- the appointment is viewed as preparatory for a full-time research career in an academic, governmental, and/or industry sector.
- the appointee works under the supervision of a faculty supervisor and mentor, who has appropriate expertise and training at the University.
- the appointee is expected to publish the results of their scholarship during the period of the appointment, in consultation with their mentor.
- the agency funding the individual’s compensation (i.e., salary) requires or permits the appointee to be a university employee or University funds are used to support the appointment. Common examples of funding sources for post doctoral scholars include an NIH Research Project Grant (R01) and an NSF research grant to a faculty member.
Best Practices for Hiring Postdocs
For access to resources on the best practices for hiring postdoctoral scholars, the National Postdoctoral Association has compiled a list of best practices in the hiring, onboarding, and mentorship of postdoctoral scholars (NPA Best Practices Guide).
Compensation for Postdocs
Beginning September 1, 2024, current postdoctoral scholars (job code 8806) are expected to be paid a minimum salary of $61008 and must hold a 100% FTE term appointment. Postdoctoral scholars whose salaries were less than $61,008 had their pay adjusted up to the new minimum on September 1, 2024. Moving forward, the university's minimum salary for postdocs will be assessed and adjusted annually with guidance from the National Institutes of Health's National Research Service Award Stipend levels. Visit the Office of Academic Affairs website for more information.
Maximum years of training:
Postdoc positions with a 75% – 100% appointment (100% equaling full-time employment) are expected to have an appointment period limited to a maximum of 5 years at Ohio State.
Recommended job boards:
If you are looking for your next postdoc, OPA has curated a list of job boards that you could post you position to. Please visit the postdoc opportunities page to access that list.
Another option is to send recruitment emails through professional societies. One example is Science Careers, which offers the ability to send an email to early career scientists in your preferred research fields. If you are interested in sending your position out through Science, please reach out to our office so we can share instructions on how to do this.
Resources for Onboarding Postdocs
Faculty mentors of postdocs have access to a wide range of resources to help them with onboarding new postdocs. Below you will find a link to onboarding information for new postdoctoral scholars and a wide selection of programs, resources, and services available at Ohio State to support the research, creative inquiry, and professional development of postdoctoral scholars currently employed across the University. Visit the resources for onboarding new postdocs page for more information
Resources For Training and Mentoring
Mentoring Plans and the IDP
The purpose of a mentoring plan is to help mentees formalize their research plan and gain the necessary skills required for a successful career. Ideally, mentoring plans should keep in mind the six core competencies for postdoctoral researchers developed by the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA):
- Discipline-specific conceptual knowledge
- Research skill development
- Communication skills
- Professionalism
- Leadership and management skills
- Responsible conduct of research
We recommend that mentees (your postdoc) generate an individualized development plan (IDP) first. Then both the mentor and mentee work on the mentoring plan together and review and update it annually. This will give them the opportunity to assess how well they have followed the plan and discuss ways to improve and accommodate new or altered goals. A mentoring plan for a postdoctoral scholar should be customized to the research program and needs of the individual.
Access the OPA’s Mentoring Plan Template
Sample Contracts for Mentors and Mentees
Once the expectations of both the mentor and the mentee have been clarified regarding the mentoring relationship, it is important to develop a contract that codifies the expectations. A contract is a tool that can be used to remind the mentor and mentee of their agreed upon expectations and responsibilities.
(Note that we do not necessarily endorse the content of each contract. We are merely providing them to illustrate the types of contracts used). See below for sample contracts:
- Team Mentoring Contract (University of Pittsburgh)
- Compact Between Postdoc and Mentor (American Association of Medical Colleges)
Resources for Offboarding Postdocs
Looking to end the appointment of a postdoc? The OPA has curated a list of recommended next steps and resources to assist faculty and their postdocs with the offboarding process. Contact us by email for a spreadsheet version of this list.
Below are suggested templates for an exit-interview or a sample termination letter.
Still Have Questions?
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
214D University Hall 230 North Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210