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2024 January Graduate Student Community News

The Graduate Student Community News is sent to all currently enrolled graduate students at the beginning of each month. Please check your email for the latest information from the Graduate School. 

To see current events visit the Graduate School News and Events.

Ohio State Graduate School events, announcements and deadlines for graduate students

Collage featuring various careers


Message from Dean Mary Stromberger

As the vice provost for graduate education and dean of the Graduate School at The Ohio State University, I extend a warm welcome to all graduate and professional students commencing the spring term of 2024.

With the arrival of the new year, several initiatives are underway to enhance opportunities for the graduate community.

I am delighted to announce the addition of Maria McGillivary to our Graduation Services team. Ms. McGillivary, with an extensive background in supporting students in the state of Colorado, joins Ohio State and will assist students throughout the graduation process. I encourage you to meet with Maria in her new role as you work toward completing your degrees.

This term, I am eager to collaborate with university leaders in examining findings from the 2023 Graduate Student Experience Survey at the college and program levels. The objective of these discussions is to aid colleges and programs in developing actionable plans to enhance the graduate student experience, mentoring, and successful degree completion. This initiative, a goal of mine over the past year, is anticipated to yield new developments rooted in your participation in the 2023 survey.

Additionally, I will dedicate efforts during 2024 to the Broadening Participation in STEM Graduate Degrees and the U.S. STEM Workforce project. The Ohio State University Graduate School has been chosen by the Council of Graduate Schools to receive four years of funding from the National Science Foundation for this program. The primary aim is to support and sustain a diverse and proficient STEM workforce that aligns with the nation's standard of excellence in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. I am excited about collaborating with leaders across the university to implement this support and foster research and creative exploration.

I encourage you to explore the highlighted areas in this newsletter. There are many ways you can participate in initiatives offered by the Offices of Outreach and Engagement, Office of Student Life, and the Council of Graduate Students. New programs and organizations are being created every term, and I highly advise you to participate and round out your academic career as a Buckeye.

The Graduate School is always available to provide support through services and resources, guiding you in your academic journey while focusing on your professional growth, personal skills development, and individual well-being. Please feel free to connect with us at any time.

Finally, I want to welcome President Walter “Ted” Carter Jr. to our university as Ohio State’s 17th president and extend my best wishes to Dr. Karla Zadnik, interim executive vice president and provost. I look forward to working with both leaders during the months ahead.

Wishing you a fulfilling 2024 as you pursue your graduate studies at Ohio State.


Mary Stromberger

Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Education

Graduate Students Participate in Autumn 2023 Engaged Scholarship Symposium

On Nov. 1, the Office of Outreach and Engagement held the Autumn 2023 Engaged Scholarship Symposium. The program featured a graduate student poster competition that awarded three top prizes for best presentation. After the poster competition, presentations were given about the past year’s engaged scholarship projects. One of the presentations featured Abby Mills, a graduate student in the College of Education and Human Ecology and 2019 Distinguished University Fellowship recipient, working with the Dennis Learning Center to support seniors at Metro High School. To read more about the event and see a library of posters from the competition visit the Graduate School website. If you are interested in engaged scholarship, check out the new community of practice opportunity in the Graduate Student Opportunities section.

Engaged Scholarship Symposium Story

Share Your Graduate News with Us!

In celebration of the achievements of the graduate community at Ohio State, the Graduate School invites submissions of graduate and professional student success stories. We are looking to celebrate new awards, grants, projects, publications and any other achievements. News highlights are posted weekly on the Graduate School website. To be included, submit your graduate news today!

Graduate News Submission Information

Seeking Nominations for the 2024 Graduate Faculty Mentor Award (GFMA)

You might know that January is National Mentor Month, which is a great time to ask graduate students and alumni to recognize the efforts of their graduate faculty mentor by nominating them for the Graduate Faculty Mentor Award (GFMA). In your nomination letter, you can share impactful mentoring stories, describe how your mentor helped you feel a sense of belonging, empowered you to increase your future resiliency, or helped you network for future growth and employment opportunities.

Whether you are presently a master’s or doctoral student at Ohio State or are a graduate of any of our programs, nominating a graduate faculty member for the GFMA is a great way to recognize their contributions to your academic and professional development. Visit the Graduate School website to find more information or starting Feb 1, nominate a mentor.

Graduate Faculty Mentor Award Information

Communications, Emails and Apps

As a graduate student, are you aware of the various ways the university provides access to important news and updates designed specifically for you? If not, make sure you visit, bookmark and add to your regular email workflow the following resources.

Graduate School News Events
Find announcements, student stories, events, workshops and deadlines all in one place on the Graduate School website.

Ohio State App Suite
Learn more about the apps available for download. The Ohio State app is a must-have for all Buckeyes. Use it to catch the next bus, find your way around campus or grab a bite to eat. Don't forget to log in for customized features including grades and account balances, personalized news, wellness resources and more.

On Campus Weekly for Graduate and Professional Students
Graduate and professional students receive a weekly email (biweekly in the summer term) with information and content related to graduate and professional studies, full or part time.

Ohio Union Activities Board Graduate and Professional Resources
The Graduate and Professional student committee of the Ohio Union Activities Board designs and executes over 200 programs that are intentionally created to enhance the graduate and professional student experience.

Graduate Student Opportunities

Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships
FLAS Fellowships are available for graduate and professional students who are pursuing a course of study that requires advanced foreign language training. Visit to learn more and apply by the Feb. 1 deadline.

Engaged Scholars Graduate Student Community of Practice
The Office of Outreach and Engagement is launching a community of practice tailored exclusively for graduate students immersed in engaged scholarship. 
The first meeting is Jan. 19.

Applications open for the Schweitzer Fellows Program
The application for the 2024-25 cohort of Columbus-Athens Albert Schweitzer Fellows is now open. The Schweitzer Fellows program supports and trains emerging health-focused graduate and professional students in creating and carrying out service projects to address unmet community needs. 
Applications are due Feb. 5.

Student Life Student Advocacy Center is seeking a Graduate Administrative Associate
This grant funded position is available immediately and funding will expire in July 2025. The GAA will be required to work 20 hours per week. This position manages the administrative, assessment, and reporting activities for student emergency funds/grants administered by the Student Advocacy Center (SAC). This position will include case management activities, as well as processing confidential financial information. The ideal candidate would be pursuing a Master’s or Doctorate degree in Higher Education, Social Work, or other social sciences and will be enrolled until July 2025. Please contact Kim Pachell, if interested.

Graduate Student Calendar January and February Deadlines

As a graduate student, there are various calendars that provide deadlines for enrollment, graduation, funding and awards activities. Below are some of the upcoming deadlines for January and the beginning of February 2024. You can find more deadlines for course registration on the University Registrar website.

Additional spring, summer and autumn term graduation deadlines can be found on the Graduate School graduation calendar.


For more information about events, announcements and deadlines or to ask questions about any graduate school activities around registration or graduation, visit the contact us page on the Graduate School website.