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Guiding Graduate Students to Wellness Workshop

Register today for upcoming wellness workshops.

Graduate students have many responsibilities and wear many hats on our campus, one of which supporting our undergraduate students through teaching, advising, and mentoring. To better prepare yourself for this role, join the Student Life Student Wellness Center on Friday, September 16 for an interactive webinar focusing on supporting ourselves and others within the space of wellness. Participants will gain skills in active listening, motivational interviewing, and recognizing when and how to refer to wellness focused resources on campus. Interested individuals can register by completing the webinar registration form.

Together as Buckeyes we make well-being a priority, learn more about OSU Well-being Resources: Faculty, Staff, and Student ResourcesTogether as Buckeyes emergency grant program; The Ohio State Wellness App available for both Android and iOS devices; and Student Life Student Wellness Center Resources including the Buckeye Food AllianceWellness Coaching, and our Health and Wellness Resource Guide.