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2022-2023 AGGRS Recipients Announced

The Graduate School is happy to announce the 2022-2023 Alumni Grants for Graduate Research and Scholarship (AGGRS) recipients.

The AGGRS program provides small grants up to $5,000 to support the research and scholarship of doctoral or terminal master’s degree candidates for their dissertations or theses.

Congratulations to this exceptional cohort of recipients!

Mahmood Alalwan - Public Health

Molly Burke -  Arts Administration, Education, and Policy

Mary Byrne - Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Anna Church - Sociology

Jacqueline Courchene - Dance

Heather Daly - Psychology

Sydney Decker - Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology

Marvin Evans - Educational Studies

Madelyn Green - Anthropology

Madeline Grosklos - Biomedical Engineering

Victoria Gurevich - Political Science

James Hartunian - Art

Micah Haseman - Physics

Forrest Hershey - Dance

Christian Hines - Teaching and Learning

Changkuk Im - Economics

Yuseva Iswandari - Teaching and Learning

Jennifer Janovick - Food Science and Technology

Emily Kaniuka - Dance Studies

Soh Hyeon Kim - Political Science

Minseon Ku - Political Science

Holly Lind-Combs - Speech and Hearing Science

Siyu Liu - Public Administration

Cameron Macaskill - Political Science

Julia Matejcek - Art

Lindsay Matthews - Educational Studies

Semanti Mukhopadhyay - Materials Science Engineering

Andrew Perry - Educational Studies

Lesley Schneider - Sociology

Sarah Sturgill - Biophysics 

Carrie Thomas - Teaching and Learning

Shantanu Tilak - Educational Studies

Chantal Wnuk - Art

Henrique Yagui Takahashi - Spanish and Portuguese

Sean Yeager - English