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Two graduate students recognized as leaders by the National Association of Social Workers.

The Emerging Social Work Leader Award recognizes outstanding contributions of members who have been in practice for five years or less. In honoring the Emerging Social Work Leader, NASW highlights the exemplary contributions of social workers who are new to the field.

Congratulations to Angel Bernard and Tainesha Owens!

Emerging Leader

Angel Bernard, LSW, Rehousing Manager, St. Vincent de Paul

Angel is wholehearted in her fight against injustice and spends many hours outside of work engaging with those in her community. She utilizes her own lived experience of homelessness and addiction as well as her exceptional professional skills to serve clients. She was awarded the Montgomery County Homeless Solutionary Award in 2022 for her work in addressing homelessness. Angel has proven she can overcome anything, and is a true force to be reckoned with. She is currently pursuing her MSW at OSU.

Student of the Year

Tainesha Owens, MSW Student, The Ohio State University

Radiant, confident, joyful, and a servant leader are just a few words to describe Ms. Tainesha Owens. She has worked diligently to enhance the overall experience of students and her community in various roles at The Ohio State University. She strives to prioritize mental health and wellness in her leadership roles, while also serving as an advocate for the Columbus community. 

Learn more about the award and the NASW.