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New Deadline to Submit Minors and Interdisciplinary Specializations

Autumn 2023 graduating students pursuing a minor or interdisciplinary specialization must ensure that their Transcript Designation Request Form is in PendingGS status by Friday, September 29. Additionally, program representatives are responsible for submitting Specialization Forms on behalf of their respective students by this same date.

To meet the Registrar's guidelines for designation postings while providing time for Graduate School review, it's imperative that all forms be submitted by Friday, September 29 for Autumn 2023 graduates. As we move forward, it will be ideal for forms to be submitted before the semester of degree completion to allow for timely review and posting of designations while staying within the best practices requested by the Registrar's office.

Starting in Spring 2023, the deadline to submit the following forms will align with the Application to Graduate deadline

  • Transcript Designation Request Form (after an approved Minors and Interdisciplinary Specialization Form)
  • Specialization Forms

If you have any questions, please direct them to