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Important Free Resources for Faculty, Post Docs, and Graduate Students from National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity

Inclusive Excellence at Ohio State is excited to announce important resources for your faculty, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars.  The National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) is a nationally-recognized independent faculty development center dedicated to supporting academics of all backgrounds to successfully advance throughout their careers. NCFDD extends our institution’s capacity to support faculty and those pursuing doctorates and terminal degrees by offering access to NCFDD’s amazing curriculum and programming. Inclusive Excellence is proud to provide an institutional membership to NCFDD for Ohio State University.  

Ohio State currently has over 2700 members in NCFDD, including over 1000 graduate students.  Faculty and student members report that the free resources, like the dissertation success curriculum, mentoring, and the writing challenges, have helped them successfully complete their degrees and meet the expectations for tenure. This year we have had over 1300 registrations for the writing challenges alone.  We would like to ensure that everyone is aware and takes advantage of these valuable tools, and therefore request that you share this information within your college, department, or unit.

As an institutional member, all OSU faculty, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate students, as well as staff, have access to the following resources at no cost:

• Weekly Monday Motivator 

• Monthly Core Curriculum Webinars 

• Monthly Guest Expert Webinars 

• Access to Multi-Week Courses 

• Access to Dissertation Success Curriculum for graduate students 

• Private Discussion Forum for peer-mentoring, problem-solving, & moderated writing challenges 

• Monthly accountability buddy matches 

• Access to 14-Day Writing Challenges 

• Access to the Member Library that includes past webinar materials, referrals, and readings 

Please use this letter to share information about NCFDD with members of your college or department. 

To claim a free membership, participants must complete the following steps to set up an account:  

1) Go to 

2) Scroll down to “Activate Your Institutional Membership.” Choose “The Ohio State University” from the drop-down menu.

3) Select “Activate my Membership” 

4) Complete the registration form using your email address.

5) Go to your email to find a confirmation/welcome message from NCFDD. Click “Activate Account” in the email.  

If you have any questions about the membership, please contact: Dr. Sara M. Childers, assistant vice provost for inclusive excellence, at or 614-247-1624.  This information is also available on the our webpage at National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity | Office of Diversity and Inclusion (

If you have any technical questions or problems with registration, please email NCFDD at Remember to use your address.