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Tagged: Grad Student News

Julie Schnell, former Graduate School Graduate Assistant Awarded Graduate Student of the Year

The Ohio College of Personnel Association recently awarded their 2024 Robert F. Rogers Graduate Student of the Year award to Julie Schnell. Julie was nominated for the award by colleagues in Leadership and Community Engagement for her work as the Graduate Teaching Associate for Local Service Programs. At the time of the nomination, Julie was unaware that her colleagues had submitted her name which led to a further surprise when she received the award.

3MT competition showcases graduate students’ research

Five graduate students presented their research during the recent Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition, hosted by the Graduate School. 

Ohio State ranked a top producer of Fulbright U.S. students

From the Office of International Affairs

For the fifth consecutive year, The Ohio State University has been named a top producer of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program and is tied for 13th in the nation, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs announced today.

Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student Association (BMEGSA) brings science activity to local school

From Department of Biomedical Engineering

The Ohio State University’s Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student Association (BMEGSA) members organized an outreach event for elementary and middle school students at Windsor STEM Academy, a local public school in Columbus, Ohio.

American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Fellowships and Grants

"Over the past century, ACLS has supported individual scholars and scholarly teams around the world in their pursuit of research with the potential to advance knowledge in the humanities and interpretive social sciences. [Their] current focus includes providing more pathways for those who have traditionally had less access to external research support and scholarly resources, including first-generation scholars, people from historically marginalized communities, and non-tenure track faculty." 

Tebben receives Outstanding Social Work Doctoral Dissertation Award

From the College of Social Work

Congratulations to alumna Dr. Erin Tebben (PhD ’23) who was honored as the recipient of the 2024 Society for Social Work and Research Outstanding Social Work Doctoral Dissertation Award.

Plant Pathology Graduate Student Participation in Publications on Plant Pathogens

Piao Yang a grad student from the Ohio State Plant Pathology program has recently participated in several publications around research into detecting, diagnosis and prevention of plant pathogens. 

Yang, who completed a BS and MS from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University in China has been very active working in research labs here at Ohio State under Ye Xia and recently Shuai Huang with research interest in plant immunity, plant-microbe interactions, bioinformatics, cell biology, and biochemistry. 

MFA Candidate in  Digital Animation and Interactive Media wins Lápiz de Acero 2023 award.

Congratulations to Alberto Vega Rivera, who is the recipient of the Lápiz de Acero 2023 design award in the video game category. 

PhD student seeks to combat stigma, build resilience

From the College of Public Health

Stacy Endres-Dighe focuses on HIV prevention among rural Appalachian Ohioans who inject drugs.

Stacy Endres-Dighe was a child when she learned about the chilling impact of stigma on health. Her uncle died during the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic after delaying testing and treatment because of the way society viewed AIDS patients at the time. 

“It had this ripple effect on my family,” she said. “I knew…that something, this stigma and the reason behind him not pursuing health care, was a serious public health problem.”