The Graduate School at Ohio State University offers a variety of workshops for graduate students and often invites post docs to attend. We also partner with other offices on campus, on hosting joined workshops to help graduate students become career ready and employable.
These workshops are specifically designed for masters, professional and doctoral students.
Upcoming Workshops and Events
Accelerate to Industry (A2i)

Ohio State’s Graduate School has joined A2i an innovative initiative of NC State. This program is designed to offer a host of workshop sessions, and engagement with industry, to provide an opportunity for graduate students to learn and pursue a career in industry. We have offered multiple workshops and have partnered with a range of industry.
Preparing Future Faculty (PFF)

PFF is a way for doctoral and terminal degree students to explore their interest to pursue a career in higher education, the professoriate. There is an annual summer workshop series called Preparing for the Professoriate, which gives students an opportunity to get guidance from searching for a faculty position, all the way to applying for a position, to the negotiation process after an offer has been made. This workshop series is done in collaboration with offices, like the Alumni Office, Career Services, The Drake Center for Teaching and Learning. These workshops are for graduate students; however, post docs are also welcomed to be part of this workshop series. There are other workshops offered throughout the year all in preparation to ready students for the professoriate.
Three Minute Thesis (3MT)

The 3MT, is a university wide opportunity for graduate students, more specific, master’s students working on their master’s thesis using their own research and PhD students working on their own research. Present their research in 3minutes using one PowerPoint slide (no props are allowed) to people not from their field. Graduate students that fit the above description can compete and if they win will be nominated to the next level, from their college to the university, regionally to nationally.
There are several workshops offered across the university focusing on mentoring. These workshops include mentoring up (when working with their mentor/advisor) and mentoring (this can be far-ranging, from graduate to undergraduate students, in the classroom, or the research lab).
The Graduate School will host mentoring workshops coming up soon, recognizing the importance of mentoring for the graduate student’s own development, as well as their development as a mentor, a transferrable skill important for various careers.
Registration and Program Information
For more information on any of the Graduate School's workshops and career development programs, please visit their respective pages or reach out to the Assistant Dean of Graduate Development and Engagement, Dr. Karin Jordan, for more information.
For program information or registration:
Karin Jordan,