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Tagged: Grad Student News

Research Commons Events for Graduate Students and Postdocs

The Research Commons is a campus community where graduate students, faculty, and postdoctoral researchers can connect with experts for support at any stage in the research lifecycle. Throughout the term, several events are hosted to support a range of topics that are important to the graduate and postdoc communities from intellectual property discussions to learning Tableau and survey creation.

Research Commons Events

Mary Stromberger, Dean of the Graduate School Welcomes You to Autumn 2024 at The Ohio State University

Dear Graduate Students,

As vice provost for graduate education and dean of the Graduate School, I extend a warm welcome to our new and returning graduate students. Whether you are beginning your Graduate School academic journey or continuing your studies, I am thrilled that you are part of our vibrant and diverse community.

Medical school journey year by year

An inside look at how students gain foundational knowledge and personal growth

From the College of Medicine

The Road to Becoming a Physician begins with the ability to navigate a highly selective admissions process. Then, once accepted, the White Coat Ceremony heralds the start of medical school. 

From adversity to advocacy, Ohio State Tillman Scholar works for justice for veterans

From Ohio State News

Eric Sowers, The Ohio State University’s 11th Tillman Scholar, was inspired by the scholarship’s namesake and his call to service following 9/11.

Master of Public Health Student and Music Therapist Inspired to Address Health Care Disparities

From the College of Public Health

"Meet Sydney Randall, a second-year MPH health behavior and health promotion student whose work as a music therapist sparked her passion for public health."

Applications Open for Students Exploring Academic Research Careers in Hematology Workshop

2024 SEARCH Workshop

Students Exploring Academic Research Careers in Hematology (SEARCH) is an interactive educational workshop for students to explore careers in biomedical research.

Apply Today

Undergraduate students, graduate students, medical students, doctoral students, and pharmacy students interested in a fulfilling medical and/or scientific career are encouraged to apply. 

2023-24 Sees Three Postdoctoral Scholar Mentor of the Year Award Recipients

Each year, this award is presented to a postdoctoral scholar who has demonstrated exceptional mentoring capabilities when engaging with trainees and other members of their lab group. The individual(s) who is/are chosen must demonstrate leadership, communication, and management skills, and help foster a supportive lab environment. 

Five Postdocs Bring New Impactful Research to the 2024 Hayes Forum

The Ohio State University’s 38th Edward F. Hayes Advanced Research Forum, held on March 1, 2024, showcased innovative and exemplary research conducted by postdoctoral scholars. This year, five postdocs stood out with their presentations, demonstrating the breadth and depth of research at Ohio State.